
Social Work and Male Circumcision

Social Work needs to address issue of childhood genital cutting of males




The Intact Penis


If you scroll down, you will see pictures of an intact penis. The pictures are explicit and unedited. They are photos of earlier photos taken in the late 1990's. There are two lines colored onto the penis to help viewers understand the size of the foreskin and how it moves.

There are no pictures of circumcisions in progress or circumcised penises.

These photos helped me begin to understand what the foreskin actually is. I learned the foreskin was not a little "flap of skin" at the end of the penis. Nor is it always "fore" as these pictures demonstrate. 


















Foreskin- no retraction

If this man had been circumcised,  all the skin and mucosa from the blue line outward would have been removed.

The green line is the tip of the foreskin. Note that this man does not have an usually long prepuce foreskin. The prepuce does not "overhang" at the end of the penis.





Foreskin - minimal retraction

The skin of the penis is being pulled back a bit in this picture.  The tissue showing beyond the green line is mucosa, similar to the lips or inner eyelids. 

Remember that all the tissue beyond the BLUE line is the foreskin and would have been removed during circumcision.






Further retraction

Beyond the green line "bunched up" mucosa is visible.





More retraction

The blue line is no longer visible, it is flush with the trunk of the body

Full retraction

The green line is nearly flush with the trunk of the body. This man's foreskin (blue line forward) is long enough to cover the shaft and head of his penis.