
Social Work and Male Circumcision

Social Work needs to address issue of childhood genital cutting of males


Contact: Tom Morris MSW


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About me:

I never thought much about circumcision until I was nearly 40 years old.  A friend of mine casually mentioned that he wished he had not been circumcised. I laughed at him. 

Some time later, when I was visiting friends in England, the issue of circumcision came up. When I told them I was circumcised they went into something resembling a state of shock. I could not understand their reaction, their outrage at learning I had been circumcised as an infant.  What was the big deal, I wondered.

Well, I really did wonder- so I started to study the topic of male circumcision.  What I learned was astonishing, but I could only grasp it a bit at a time. I had to plow through a lot of cultural denial and my own unwillingness to see the obvious. Now I understand more. It's not nice to know, but I am extremely grateful to have lost my denial and live more in reality.

You're invited to email me with any questions or comments.  I would love to hear from you.